Almased Blog

Everything about a healthy lifestyle with our products.

How To Reset Your Metabolism

Boost your nutritional knowledge and reset your metabolism with Almased. Delve into our insightful articles to improve your nutritional understanding and embrace a healthier way of living.

Healthy Food Prep Checklist

With most of us now staying at home, this provides an opportunity to invest in healthy, nutritious meals. Planning meals for the week ahead not only…

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Diet and Immune Health

There's no greater time to focus on your health and wellbeing than today! During this period of concern, consuming a healthy, nutritionally balanced…

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Soya - Do you know the benefits?

With the global rise in plant-based eating, soya-containing foods can help us increase our intake of a plant-based diet thus reducing the consumption…

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Prevent festive weight gain!

According to the British Dietetic Association, research shows we can all expect to gain at least 1-2lbs during the festive season.

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Winter Weight Gain - Give it the Cold Shoulder

Winter - that time of the season where baggy jumpers and tasty comfort treats compensate for those depressingly shorter days and long dark night;…

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Diabetes at home - Do you know the warning signs?

Diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs when the pancreas is no longer able to make insulin or when the body cannot make good use of the insulin it…

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Make Almased your No.1

Make Almased your own No.1 weight loss product and daily source of optimum nourishment! Not only is it Germany's No.1 meal replacement, but it's also…

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Is alcohol preventing you from losing weight?

With a whopping seven calories per gram, alcohol contains almost the same amount of calories as pure fat! What's more, alcoholic drinks are full of…

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Minimise your holiday weight gain!

Don't use your holiday as an excuse to pile on the pounds! Read on for a selection of manageable top tips that can help you put a halt to that dreaded…

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Yo-Yo dieting = Detrimental weight loss!

In an ideal world we would all choose a quick-fix solution for weight loss. Unfortunately, effective weight reduction isn't something that can be…

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Is it time to ditch the scales?

When we think about losing weight, we tend to become fixated on those numbers or dial positions on our bathroom scales. While this can be seen as a…

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More than just weight loss!

Almased is Germany's No.1 weight loss product. It is a scientifically proven meal replacement used for the purpose of healthy weight loss and…

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Is snacking the cause of your weight gain?

Excess snacking can result in an over consumption of calories and subsequently weight gain.

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Almased - Nutritional Information

Almased contains three natural foods- soya, yogurt and enzyme-rich honey, in addition to essential vitamins and minerals.

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Lose weight the fast(ing) way with Almased

Research has suggested that substantial weight loss at the beginning of a diet is essential to achieving effective, sustainable results. The most…

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