"Almased meal plans helped me to become focused."

Alice from London

Success story of Alice from London

I am loving the new me.



In 2022, I was sick of being big, feeling sluggish, tired and easily getting upset for no reason. It was difficult enough being an NHS midwife without the added issue of weight gain. I’m somebody that usually loves going out and looking gorgeous. I was beginning to find it so difficult to get my clothes to give me the look that I wanted. I started searching around for some meal replacement ideas; came across some great reviews about Almased and I decided to give it a try. It was the best decision ever, supporting me in losing weight effectively. Almased helped me to reach my goals along with following delicious meal plans, which also helped build muscle, as I take it post workout for muscle recovery and even on my days off from the gym. This product is excellent because it helps to regulate blood sugar levels and it’s full of nutrients. I wanted a good quality of life and total well-being - Almased did this for me.

I love Almased because it does not contain artificial fillers, flavours, added sugars, preservatives, stimulants or caffeine. It speeds up and improves your metabolism and I am living proof of that. I was concerned about the taste, but the good news is that I could also flavour my shake with low-calorie ingredients such as cinnamon, berries, vanilla or almond extracts. I personally enjoy my shake mixed with unsweetened almond milk. Almased is a low-glycaemic, high-protein meal replacement and food supplement that helped me lose a whopping 27kg since last year.

Almased meal plans also helped me to become focused on my dietary intake. The good news is that I’m now more active, look 15 years younger, have radiant skin and I am loving the new me. I go to the gym 4 times a week, love and enjoy lifting weights, spinning class, core strength, body combat, body pump and swimming, with everyone now calling me ‘the influencer’. I have now moved away from processed foods and I love the way my clothes fit. I enjoy hanging out with health-conscious friends because I believe in buddy systems to reach goals and motivate each other.

I have recommended Almased to a lot of friends and family who have diabetes and other health problems and the good news is that they are now in a far better place than before, with blood sugar levels stable and maintained. Some have been taken off of their medications, and a few of them who were suffering from low self-esteem and depression are now in a much better place. For anyone wishing to look and feel good, Almased is the perfect product for you. I was struggling, but since I found Almased, I’ve also found the new me!


* Remember weight loss is personal and results may vary

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