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The Importance of Looking After Your Mental Health While Staying at Home

Written by Kevin, Nutritionist (M.Sc. Medical Science)

For many of us during this period of isolation, we can find ourselves with more free time on our hands. This may come as a welcome change from work, enabling us to fully recharge our batteries and prioritise self-care. Nevertheless, this period may also have a detrimental impact on mental health as social distancing and staying at home can mean spending time away from friends and loved ones. Coupled with uncertainty and sudden changes to our normal daily routines, this can leave us feeling anxious, leading to further emotional and mental stress.



Now is the time to truly prioritise and invest in your physical and mental health! This period of staying at home can in fact, be turned into a positive experience where you can use this time to focus on you! Below is a list of physical and mental self-care ideas that you can incorporate into your day:

  • Enjoy your 1 hour of daily exercise, whether that be a walk around your local neighbourhood, bike ride or exercising in your local park.
  • Challenge yourself with an online course.
  • Take part in daily home exercises.
  • Revamp and invest more time in your garden.
  • Communicate with friends and family.
  • Arrange regular phone or video calls.
  • Declutter or redecorate your house.
  • Learn a new language.
  • Spend more time preparing healthy, innovative recipes.
  • Meditate, listen to podcasts or relax with music.
  • Start a virtual book club with friends or family.

Furthermore, in order to support a healthy mental state, it is particularly important to remain consistent in adopting good lifestyle and dietary habits. Sleep is vitally important for your wellbeing as it can help your body recover from mental as well as physical exertion and daily stress. Even if you are missing out on routine throughout the day, you can still take control of your bedtime regime and ensure you obtain 6-8 hours of restful sleep. Consistency is key for ensuring a positive mental state!

Diet is equally very important when it comes to looking after mental health and improving mood. Serotonin, your 'happy hormone' is a well-researched brain neurotransmitter that contributes to feelings of wellbeing and happiness. It is estimated that 90% of the body's serotonin is made in the digestive tract; which is why any imbalances in the gut can affect your mood. For this reason, it is vital to look after your gut and consume the right 'gut-friendly' foods. The key to good gut health is to adopt a whole food diet. This means reducing the intake of caffeine, alcohol, heavily processed foods and drinks that contain preservatives, artificial colourings and stimulants. Instead, you should incorporate a balance of healthy fats, in particular omega-3 fatty acids, proteins, wholegrain carbohydrates, fermented foods, fresh fruit and vegetables.


Choose Almased as your little piece of self-care!

Almased is a gut-friendly, nutritious formula which contains a fermented blend of soya, yogurt and honey. The valuable nutrients in our product can provide your body with important vitamins and minerals to support immunity1, cognitive function2 and to help reduce tiredness and fatigue3! Use Almased as a supplement, healthy snack or as a calorie-controlled meal replacement. It's the perfect inclusion in your diet to support your physical and mental wellbeing!                                     

Purchase your little piece of self-care today!


1. Vitamin c supports the normal function of the immune system.

2. Iron contributes to normal cognitive function.

3. Folate contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue.

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