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How to Prevent Blood Sugar Spikes at Night: Effective Strategies

Written by Kevin, Nutritionist (M.Sc. Medical Science) | Reviewed by Emma , Qualified Healthcare Dispenser

Managing blood sugars is hard during the day when you are awake and have control over insulin dosage to accommodate carbohydrates, exercise, stress, and hormones. However, tackling blood sugars overnight is a whole different problem that needs to be dealt with delicately to make sure you’re fine-tuning your control and staying healthy. 

Many people with diabetes struggle with stubborn overnight blood sugars, but there are some things you can do to help control this. 

Here, we highlight the main ways you can avoid overnight high blood sugars and wake up feeling well and refreshed. 

Understanding Blood Sugar Spikes

Blood sugar spikes occur when blood glucose levels rise and then fall sharply after eating or during the night. If left untreated, this can ultimately lead to damage to blood vessels and nerves, affecting the eyes, heart, kidneys, and other organs. So, understanding the causes and symptoms of blood sugar spikes can help prevent them and maintain good blood sugar control.

Causes of High Blood Sugar at Night

There are many reasons why blood sugar levels may rise at night. Consuming high-carbohydrate or high-sugar foods before bedtime can cause blood sugar spikes or a lack of physical activity or exercise can contribute to insulin resistance and high blood sugar levels.

Stress and anxiety can also raise blood sugar levels by releasing stress hormones that increase glucose production in the liver. Understanding these causes can help individuals with diabetes develop strategies to prevent them.

What is the Dawn Phenomenon?

The Dawn Phenomenon is a natural increase in blood sugar levels that occurs early in the morning due to hormonal changes. In the morning cortisol levels naturally increase to make us wake up - this counteracts insulin effect and blood sugar rises. As a result, people with diabetes may need to adjust their basal insulin or timing and amount of basal dose to cover the early morning rise. Because the Dawn Phenomenon can cause blood sugar levels to rise, it is essential to monitor and adjust treatment plans accordingly.

Strategies for Preventing Blood Sugar Spikes

Monitoring glucose levels at bedtime, during the night, and when you wake up can help identify patterns and adjust strategies. In addition, adjusting meal timing, avoiding eating close to bedtime, and taking more basal insulin are very effective tools. Developing a personalised meal plan with your healthcare team, including snacks and their timings, can help prevent blood sugar spikes.

Bedtime Snacks for People with Diabetes

Often asked and extremely important is bedtime snacking. A healthy bedtime snack can help prevent glucose swings during the night, but it’s essential to cover carbohydrates with insulin if necessary. Snack ideas include:

  • Plain nuts or seeds, raw vegetables with hummus or peanut butter, plain yogurt with berries or cinnamon, and chia seed pudding.
  • Almased is a great bedtime snack.
  • Foods with a composition that may help limit blood glucose spikes during the night and ensure lower blood glucose levels in the morning include those with protein, fibre, and healthy fats.

Lifestyle Changes to Prevent Blood Sugar Spikes

Manageable lifestyle changes, such as maintaining a healthy weight, exercising regularly, and managing stress, can help prevent blood sugar spikes as is adequate hydration.

Drinking enough water throughout the day can help prevent dehydration and maintain good blood sugar control. We suggest aiming to drink at least eight glasses of water per day to stay hydrated. This helps flush out excess glucose and supports kidney health.

Regular physical activity can increase insulin sensitivity and help regulate blood sugar levels. That’s why we suggest at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise every week. Furthermore, incorporating strength-training exercises can also help improve insulin sensitivity and blood sugar control because muscle cells are important in regulating blood sugar levels.

With stress, this can cause blood sugar levels to rise by releasing stress hormones that increase glucose production in the liver, while chronic stress can lead to insulin resistance and high blood sugar levels. Effective here is practicing stress-reducing techniques which can improve blood sugar control. Examples include mindfulness, breathing exercises, or yoga and other relaxation techniques. Psst. Almased is an effective anti-stress formula.

The Importance of Sleep for Blood Sugar Regulation

We all know its role in general health but getting enough sleep is essential for maintaining good blood sugar control and preventing blood sugar spikes. The goal here should be to maintain a consistent sleep schedule, as lack of sleep can lead to insulin resistance and high blood sugar levels. Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep each night and incorporate Almased’s unique nutrient mix to support restfulness even more.

Supplements and Nutrients for Blood Sugar Management

Certain supplements and nutrients, such as chromium and magnesium may help improve insulin sensitivity and blood sugar control. Important nutrients include fibre, protein, and healthy fats. Fibre can help slow the absorption of carbohydrates while protein can help improve satiety. Healthy fats, such as omega-3 fatty acids, can help improve insulin sensitivity and blood sugar control, important for metabolic health. A top tip is to mix your Almased shake with 2 teaspoons of oil and 1 teaspoon of flax seeds, chia seeds or psyllium husks to benefit from the combination of protein, fibre and healthy fats. As always, please consult with a healthcare provider before adding any supplements to your treatment plan.

Monitoring and Adjusting Your Blood Sugar Levels

With regular monitoring of your glucose levels, you can identify patterns and adjust treatment plans accordingly. Adjusting medication or insulin doses can help regulate blood sugar levels and prevent spikes while working with a healthcare provider can help develop a personalised treatment plan that helps you and your body.

How to Monitor Your Blood Sugar Levels

Using a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) or a glucometer to monitor glucose levels regularly can be done at bedtime, during the night, and when you wake up. This will identify patterns as you log glucose levels and gain the tools necessary adjust treatment plans accordingly.

Better blood glucose levels in 12 weeks!

Feel your armed with all the necessary tools to manage your blood sugar levels at night better? Boost your health and wellness further by trying the Almased Diabetes Plan and see how you can improve your health further through evidence-based science and No.1 health formula. What’s more, see what our UK customers had to say about the product and how it affected their diabetes and ultimately, their lives.

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