Emma - Business Manager at Almased

What impresses you most about Almased's products?

Emma: "The most impressive thing for me is that the product actually works! I personally use Almased and have seen a reduction in my weight by more than 1 stone. I continue to use Almased on a daily basis to maintain my weight loss, to sustain my energy levels and generally feel well in myself...simply because it works!"

What is your role at Almased?

Qualified Healthcare Dispenser

Responsibility for the management of the businesses daily activities, from the sourcing of finished goods to supplying the health and wellness sector of the UK market. Liaising with the health, wellness and pharmacy sector throughout the country, maintaining key business relationships and supporting the development of new partners.

What is your favourite study / study result with Almased?

Emma: "König, D. et al (2008). Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism : What impressed me the most was that participants who consumed Almased achieved twice as much weight loss and 3 times greater reduction in waist circumference compared to a low fat diet. Being able to lose weight around your abdominal region is the goal of many people in the UK and something I, myself, was able to achieve."

Individual skills that contribute to the success of the organisation

Emma: "15 years of retail management experience within the pharmacy sector together with a clear understanding of customers healthcare needs within the UK."


"Emma has an incredibly quick grasp and is highly committed and engaged in all Almased-related topics. It is a lot of fun to work with her globally."


"Emma brings vast experience from her years within pharmacy which supports our goals of developing business in the UK as well as sustaining close business relationships with our partners. A daily user of Almased, Emma is living proof of the efficacy of the product and the benefits it can bring to your life."

What unique feature of Almased would you like more people know?

Emma: "I have found Almased to not only be an effective weight loss product but speaking from personal experience, I can assure anyone consuming the product that regardless of what goal you may have, it is certainly achievable. For me, my energy levels never waned and the dreaded Yo-Yo effect never materialised. It was refreshing to finally find a product that works."

What is the best success story you can remember?

Emma: "Gayle from Glasgow's fitter and healthier future - "I first came across Almased® in the pharmacy where I work. I had tried many different diets in the past, so I thought, why not give Almased® a go. I find it’s just so convenient. I take it to work with me and have it for my lunch and breakfast. It has also made me think a lot more about the food I eat. Before I would have chosen an unhealthy option, but now I am more mindful of what I am eating and notice the benefits of taking Almased® as part of a healthy diet.

I have recommended it to all my friends and keep telling everyone about it. I feel healthier, have a lot more energy and really feel a lot more confident in myself. Within 10 months, I had lost 5 stones - Almased® really has changed my life!"

Link to the success story

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