Unique Quality

A truly original meal replacement shake made from soya, yogurt and honey with a unique manufacturing process that has proven itself for more than 30 years.

Scientifically Proven

Continuous, intensive, global research on the effect of our products at international institutes together with reowned nutrition experts.

More Than A Weight Loss Shake

Whether you want to lose weight, optimise your diet or support type 2 diabetes - there are plenty of reasons to choose Almased.

Natural Weight Loss Shakes

More than 35 years ago, the medical scientist Hubertus Trouillé developed a unique nutritional formula to improve metabolism based on a truly holistic approach. For this, he needed only three natural ingredients: soya, yogurt and honey. From these ingredients he developed a formula consisting of specific, easily digestible proteins and a unique combination of indispensable amino acids and natural honey enzymes. This resulted in an holistic mode of action that cannot be attributed to individual active ingredients in the product itself. With Almased, the symbiosis of the individual ingredients brings the body and its optimum health back into balance in a complex way through the mechanisms of this unique meal replacement powder. Almased can serve as a complete meal as well as a weight loss shake. 

All of Almased's ingredients work together in a genuinely unique way. During our manufacturing process, the individual ingredients combine together thus enhancing their overall effect upon consumption. High-quality raw materials, a precise mixing ratio and a special production process make our weight loss shakes so unique and only enhance the effect of the natural ingredients. Simply stirring together soya protein, honey and yogurt, will sadly fall short of obtaining the renowned Almased effect. This German innovation is now available throughout the UK.


Read More About The Almased Effect
Carole and Chris - Almased Review

"Thank you Almased for coming into our lives!"



Weight Loss Solution for Type 2 Diabetes*

We wanted a diet that worked for the both of us, especially as Chris was Type 2 diabetic. I did some research and found Almased - we have never looked back! We started with three shakes a day, along with homemade vegetable soup for the first three days and then for the following fortnight we replaced two meals with Almased. We followed the 14-Day and then the Long-Term Plan. Almased has really helped us change our lifestyle and think more about what we eat, but the most wonderful piece of news is that Chris' diabetes is now in remission and he is free from blood sugar and blood pressure medication. His doctor was very pleased with the results and asked how this happened; we told him Almased!

One of the major differences we have noticed is the vast improvement in our energy levels. Before we could fall asleep in the afternoon, but now we go for a run or a swim, something we would never have done before. Over the years we have constantly battled with our weight, but now we have finally found a diet we can actually stick to. Since starting with Almased, we have collectively lost over 10 stones; we are really proud of ourselves and continue to maintain our weight loss with the help of Almased, to this day. It’s difficult to explain, but it’s like a total feeling of well-being. We truly believe in the product. Thank you Almased!

*Kempf, K et al (2013). Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics;(2): 21-27.

View More Of Almased's Success Stories
Gayle - Almased Review

"Almased® really has changed my life!"

I first came across Almased® in the pharmacy where I work. I had tried many different diets in the past, so I thought; why not give Almased® a go. I find it’s just so convenient. I take it to work with me and have it for my lunch and breakfast. It has also made me think a lot more about the food I eat.

I have recommended it to all my friends and keep telling everyone about it. I feel healthier, have a lot more energy and really feel a lot more confident in myself. It’s great knowing that I can now fit into size 12 clothes. Within 10 months, I had lost 5 stones - Almased® really has changed my life!

Read Gayle's Full Story

Lose Weight Successfully And Long-Term With Almased

Achieve healthy and effective weight loss with Almased, the No.1 selling Meal Replacement in Germany.

Almased's meal replacement shakes are available in the UK at Amazon, Boots, Pharmacy2U and Numark Pharmacies.

Our Almased Four Phase Diet Plan and our 14 Day Figure Plan can be found in this handy downloadable leaflet.


Download Our Free Diet Plan PDF

Supporting Diabetes made easier with Almased's shakes

With Almased and our Diabetes Plan, we offer support for people with type 2 diabetes. Our clinical research has shown that over the course of 12 weeks you can gradually lower your blood sugar level and HbA1c values.

Almased Diabetes Plan

The Almased Type Test

Successfully reach your goals with Almased

Almased Success Stories

"The 14-Day plan is a great kick-start for weight loss while still incorporating healthy food choices."

Anne from Dublin

Almased Success Stories

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Almased – One product, one brand, one family

Since Almased was founded in the 1980s, our company has remained a family business. All employees and customers are part of the Almased family. With this understanding comes a responsibility to you, our customer, something we both live by and take very seriously.

Almased's Brand Story

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We are more than happy to help and advise you by telephone on 020 3463 9769 or by e-mail at info@almased.co.uk

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